Texas Big Rally for Recovery on Sept. 29 in San Antonio

Every September SAMHSA promotes Recovery Month to increase awareness and understanding of mental health and substance use issues and to celebrate communities.  On September 29, 2018 Big Texas Rally for Recovery (BTRR) will gather at La Villita in Downtown San Antonio in support of recovery from alcohol and other substance use disorders to hear live bands, dignitaries and remarks from families and persons in recovery.

For more information contact:  Abigail Moor, CEO, San Antonio Council on Alcohol and Drug Awareness at 210-225-4741.  www.bigtexasrallyfor recovery.org

Special Keynote Speaker this year is Danny Trejo.   This will be the eighth year for the Big Texas Rally for Recovery. #BTRR was originally initiated by Texas Recovers, a coalition of 8 Recovery Community Organizations across the state. The Rally was originally held on the steps of the capital in Austin, but has “traveled” over the last few years.  The Rally has featured speakers including Greg Williams, Tara Connor, Mackenzie Phillips, William C. Moyers, Brian Cuban, and Michael Bottacelli.

This year’s rally is brought to you by the San Antonio Council on Alcohol and Drug Awareness (SACADA), along with many other recovery stakeholders and advocates.  We will gather this year in beautiful San Antonio, Texas on September 29, 2018, to generate a unified message of hope, strength, and courage for people and families in recovery from, or still struggling with, substance use. The Rally has always been, and will always be FREE to attendants.

We are excited to gather with you at La Villita in Downtown San Antonio in support of recovery, from alcohol and other substance use disorders. Live bands, dignitaries from the national recovery movement, public officials, persons in recovery, families, community supporters, keynote speakers, and friends of recovery will join the celebration. Join us as we celebrate

“Recovery on the Riverwalk”.


Travis County Youth Substance Abuse Prevention Coalition
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