Delaying youth consumption of alcohol is crucial to preventing future substance use disorder

We Need to Change the Social Norms about Alcohol" - DianovaYouth who consume alcohol face unique dangers because of their undeveloped brains and the loosening of inhibitions that can lead to more dangerous experimentation with drugs.   Alcohol is the most used substance by adolescents. In a 2023 SAMSHA study, nearly 15 percent of teens ages 12 to 20 reported using

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Driver allegedly responsible for deadly crash on I-35 that killed 5 may have been on drugs, failed sobriety test

Man charged with intoxication manslaughter in Texas crash involving 17 vehicles that killed 5 people | AP NewsAccording to police, Solomun Araya showed signs of intoxication following the crash. The affidavit states Araya had bloodshot and watery eyes, mumbled speech and swayed while walking and turning, consistent with signs of central nervous system (CNS) depressants. Witnesses reported that an 18-wheeler driven by Araya failed to brake before

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Texas lawmakers propose bills to allow RTD or spirits-based cocktails in convenience and grocery stores

Shop Ready-To-Drink Cocktails | Canned Cocktail Reviews | RTD News – RTD  MagazineTexas lawmakers have introduced legislation aimed at modernizing the state’s alcohol laws by allowing spirits-based ready-to-drink cocktails to be sold in grocery and convenience stores alongside beer and wine.   RTD cocktails are cocktails that have been pre-batched and bottled or canned. The benefits of having such a drink is

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Texas mother pushes TX Legislature for electronic ID scanners in stores after son died in alcohol-related crash

Texas lawmakers fast-track alcohol ID bill after North Texas mother's heartfelt testimony following son's death - CBS TexasA Dallas County jury has rejected a mother’s civil lawsuit against a convenience store that illegally sold alcohol to her teenage son  before he died in a car wreck.    Now, that mother is focusing on getting a bill passed in the TX legislature that would require all retailers that sell … Continue to full story .......
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Hemp industry pushes back against Senate bill to ban THC; the ban may pass the Senate but prospects are less certain in the House

Various Delta 8 THC products at a Valero station on Thursday, Feb. 9, 2023 in Spring Branch.

Six years after Texas lawmakers inadvertently triggered the state’s consumable hemp market, the TX Senate is pushing to shut down the industry by barring products that contain tetrahydrocannabinol, or THC.   Yet the proposal to ban THC faces uncertain prospects in the House, where the hemp industry is bullish about getting

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US drug overdose deaths drop to lowest levels since June 2020, CDC data shows

Overdose Rescue kits are sit on a table during an Opioid Overdose Prevention Training class provided by Lourdes Hospital in Binghamton, New York
Feb 25 (Reuters) – Nearly 87,000 Americans died from drug overdose in the United States in the 12-month period ending September 2024, a decline of about 24% from the previous year, according to preliminary data from the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention released on Tuesday.
This is the
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Alcohol-Related Organ Complications Increasing in Teens, Young Adults — The most affected organ was the pancreas

A photo of a male physician pointing to an anatomical model of the pancreas and gall bladder.

Alcohol-associated pancreatitis and liver disease have been increasing among adolescents and young adults, according to a retrospective population-based cohort study from Canada. Rates of pancreatitis and liver-related complications from alcohol have increased in teens and young adults.  Males were most affected, yet young females had changes in rates that were

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Vaping Does Not Help U.S. Tobacco Smokers Quit and May Actually Make It Harder To Quit Smoking, Study Reports

Researchers at the University of California San Diego have found, among smokers in the US, e-cigarette use does not increase smoking cessation and is actually associated with reduced tobacco abstinence. The findings refute the notion that e-cigarettes can help people quit, a common misperception among tobacco users and e-cigarette

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Domestic violence is up in Texas: Survivors and supporters hope lawmakers will take action.

State Rep. Suleman Lalani, D-Sugar Land (R), confers with Rep. Armando Walle on the House floor on April 06, 2023.TYLER – Reported domestic violence incidents have risen 26% since 2019.  Cheyenne Russell was with children when ex-boyfriend, Jorian Jackson, arrived.  Russell, 26, and Jackson, 29, began to fight over their fractured relationship that ended about a year prior. That’s when Jackson allegedly shot and killed Russell.

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Narcan distribution sites increase on University of Texas campus and West Campus

The Narcan vending machine, installed by the Naloxone In Case of Emergency organization, stands outside the Rio Market on Feb. 11, 2025.

Operation Naloxone implemented four additional Narcan distribution sites on campus last month.  Operation Naloxone is a University program focused on improving access, distribution and educational outreach of Naloxone, a medication used to reverse opioid overdose. Since its establishment in 2019, the program has set up Narcan distribution sites at various

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“Tall Cop” shares updates on youth drug use and hidden dangers and accessibility

Jermaine Galloway aka as the Tall Cop speaks about his key findings from a local scan of the Amarillo Community last week at Amarillo College.Officer Jermaine Galloway, known as “The Tall Cop,” says that marijuana legalization across the country has contributed to increased accessibility, particularly for cannabis-based products like Delta-8 THC and high-potency vapes.  “Legal doesn’t mean safe,” he warned. “We’re seeing dangerous substances being marketed as harmless, and kids are being drawn in

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Vaping weed has become popular, but young users should be aware it carries risks

A vape pen is filled with a concentrated form of THC, the psychoactive ingredient in weed, along side marijuana buds.

The average cannabis flower contains about 17% or 18% THC, the concentration in vapes can reach 95% or higher.  A vape pen is filled with a concentrated form of THC, the psychoactive ingredient in weed, alongside marijuana buds.  As marijuana sales increase across the board, vaping weed from an

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