Summer is typically a wonderful season for outdoor activities and spending additional time with family and friends. For some people, these activities include drinking alcohol beverages. This summer, take measures to protect your own health and that of your loved ones. Swimmers Can Get in Over Their Heads: Alcohol impairs judgment and increases risk-taking, a dangerous combination for swimmers. Even experienced swimmers may venture out farther than they should and not be able to make it back to shore, or they may not notice how chilled they’re getting and develop hypothermia. Surfers could become overconfident and try to ride a wave beyond their abilities. Even around a pool, alcohol can have tragic consequences. Inebriated divers may collide with the diving board or dive where the water is too shallow.
Boaters Can Lose Their Bearings
The U.S. Coast Guard reports that alcohol consumption contributes to 18 percent of boating deaths in which the primary cause is known, making alcohol the leading known contributor of fatal boating accidents.1 A boat operator with a blood alcohol concentration (BAC) of 0.08 percent or higher is 14 times more likely to be killed in a boating accident than an operator with no alcohol in their system. Reaching a 0.08 percent BAC would require about 4 drinks in 2 hours for an average-size woman (171 lbs) or 5 drinks in 2 hours for an average-size man (198 lbs). It is important to note that the odds of a fatal crash begin to increase with the first drink.2 In addition, according to the U.S. Coast Guard and the National Association of State Boating Law Administrators, alcohol can impair a boater’s judgment, balance, vision, and reaction time. It can also increase fatigue and susceptibility to the effects of cold-water immersion. If problems arise, intoxicated boaters are ill-equipped to respond quickly and find solutions. For passengers, intoxication can lead to slips on deck, falls overboard, or accidents at the dock.
Drivers Can Go Off Course
The summer holidays are some of the most dangerous times of the year to be on the road. When on vacation, drivers may be traveling an unfamiliar route or hauling a boat or camper, with the distraction of pets and children in the car. Adding alcohol to the mix puts the lives of the driver and everyone in the car, as well as other people on the road, at risk.
Dehydration Is a Risk
Whether you’re on the road or in the great outdoors, heat plus alcohol can equal trouble. Hot summer days cause fluid loss through perspiration, while alcohol causes fluid loss through increased urination. Together, they can quickly lead to dehydration or heat stroke ….. And if you are a parent, understand the underage drinking laws—and set a good example.