Ignition Interlock basics explained and Effective interlock programs at training

The Texas AM Transportation Institute is hosting a series of trainings on Interlock basics (newest technology, costs, challenges); Interlock laws, data, and reporting and Effective interlock programs … offered in Austin from February 25 – 28. The trainings will be:

  • Free & In Person – Funded by the Texas Department of Transportation in partnership with the Texas A&M System
  • Profession-specific training for:
    • Judges & clerks
    • Prosecutors
    • Law enforcement
    • Probation officers
  • Topics will  include
    • Interlock basics (newest technology, costs, challenges)
    • Interlock laws, data, and reporting
    • Effective interlock programs
    • Effects of alcohol / alcohol trends / Travis-specific impaired driving data
  • State bar, judicial education, and TCOLE credit available

To register, or for more information, click here: https://groups.tti.tamu.edu/cades/interlock/.

If you have any questions please email Cody Stewart at c-stewart@tti.tamu.edu.


Travis County Youth Substance Abuse Prevention Coalition
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